Goat and sheep breeding systems
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Required facility and building for nurturing goats
Generally, a simple place confined from three directions and open in one direction provides most of the physiological needs of dairy goats, such as proper ventilation, light, and shadow. In winter, to keep the goat's place warm, the open direction of the place better be covered by canvas, plastics, and straw packs properly. In summer, and especially in hot regions, to cool off the herds, the electrical fans and fogging system in some parts of the sunshade better be used. Establishing fresh air current in goat's place for providing enough oxygen and disposal of noxious gases, pollution, and the extra heat is very important. Goat is sensitive to the severe blowing of the wind, so, for establishing the ventilation in the place the air drafting should be avoided. So, the goats' resting place should be built behind the wind or a windbreaker should be used in it. The goat's excursion area must have proper light and ventilation, and its dimensions fit the herds being kept there. The forecasting of feeds warehouse, stables, waterholes, fertilizer storage warehouse, quarantine, and treatment location, milking place, and its accessories, are some of the other cases to be mentioned while building a goat's place.
The characteristics of fattening live sheep
The best age for fattening is 4 to 5 months years old, and the end of it is 8 to 9 months years old. The heavy races such as kind nurture sheep are proper for fattening because they have more strength. Short live sheep are also appropriate for fattening. Fattening is implemented if the alive young lambs and old matured sheep. For fattening, the kind nurture sheep and live Afshari sheep are to be used. In live fattening sheep's feeding, roughage, and condensed materials should be used. Kind nurture sheep and live Afshari sheep are expecting too much, and for fattening them, an equivalent feeding allotment should be provided.
The condition of sheep's place
• The place of the stall should be higher than the surrounding grounds to avoid the entrance of flowing waters into the stall.
• The place of the stall should be distant from the residential houses, but this distance should not cause problems for ranchers in ranching.
• In cold regions, the stalls should face the sun and be in the opposite direction of blowing winds in the region.
• The direction of blowing seasonal winds should be from the residential regions to the ranch.
• The ground should have a proper slope to conduct flowing water and swages produced from ranching.
• The building of the stall should be in a way to use the sunlight in a high level
The types of nurturing herd's place:
There are three types of goat and sheep place:
Open place: This place is open from four directions, has a roof as a sunshade, and is appropriate for dry and hot regions (In Iran Central Plateau and eastern provinces).
Half-open places: The half-open places have three-direction walls and are roofed. It is usually open and connected to a barnyard. This place is appropriate for moderate, warm, and moist regions (The vicinity of the Caspian Sea and southern coasts).
Closed place: This place is completely closed and roofed. It is connected to the outside world through windows and doors. It is appropriate for cold regions (Around Alborz and Zagros Mountains and some points in the central areas).
It is noteworthy that a closed place can be used in areas with different weather conditions. Our considered place for the nurturing herd is the closed place.
The appearance of proper livestock for fattening
A fattening man must have information about the condition and body style of meat cattle and their appearance while buying a fattening lamb, to choose healthier cattle with more ability for fattening.
A proper lamb for fattening should have:
• Short arms and legs
• Strong thighs and short neck
• A body with no angle, compressed, and long
• Wide chest width
• A distant front leg, and symmetric arms and legs, straight under the body
Top races of goat and sheep
Top races of goat in Iran
1-Najdi goat
Najdi goat is a famous race of goats in Iran that is combined with other races a lot.
Appearance characteristics of Najdi goat
Long and slim arm and leg
Body color: Often dark brown and sometimes deer coherent yellow to white
Smooth glossy skin with short hair
Wide and flagging ears
Slim head with a straight profile and two tassels under the neck
Usually, a black line can be seen from behind their head to their tails
Male and female Najdi goats are in horned and without horns types, but the horned types are more common in Najdi goats
Production features of Najdi goats
The average period of milking: 200 days
The average amount of produced milk during a period of milking: 180 Liter
Approximate birth weight: 3 kg
The average weight during milking: 12 kg
Approximate weight at maturing: 34kg
Percentage of twins: 46%
Milk fat percentage: about 4%
Top races of goat in Iran
2-Tali goat:
Distribution of Tali goat: Hormoz Gan province, especially Minab, Bandar-e-Lengeh, Bandar-e-Abbas, Bandar-e-Khamir, and Qeshm islands
Appearance characteristics of Tali goat:
Delicate arms and legs
Body color: Dark to light brown
Small ears
Short and glossy hair cover
Without Horn
Top races of goat in Iran
Production features of Tali goat
The average period of milking: 120 days
The average amount of produced milk during a period of milking: 100 Liter
Approximate birth weight: 2.5 kg
The average weight during milking: 10 kg
Approximate weight at maturing: 30 kg
Percentage of twins: 27%
3. Mazkhar goat
Mazkhar goat distribution:
The provinces of Kermanshah, Western Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, and Kurd provinces of Iraq and Turkey are the centers of these goat populations. In the past, these goats were more numerous.
Appearance characteristics of Mazkhar goat:
Short and slim legs
Body-color: This race wool is usually dark to light brown and sometimes is vegetal, black, and chocolate. Kurd nomads make their custom dresses from this livestock wool. The brown color of these goats does not need re-painting, and its white wool is industrially valuable because it is colorable.
It has a small body with a slim muzzle, and no wool is on the face part. There is a little wool on the forehead of this race.
The size of the head is medium and triangular.
Top races of goat in Iran
Production features of Mazkhar goats
The average period of milking: 196 days
The average amount of produced milk during a period of milking: 150 Liter
Approximate birth weight: 2.6 kg
The average weight during milking: 15 kg
Approximate weight at maturing: 40 kg
Percentage of twins: 33%
Milk fat percentage: about 4.5%
4. Rainee fluffy goats
Rainee goat Distribution: Khabar mountains are in the structure of the main nurturing region of this goat. But, during nomadic winter these goats are taken to the tropical areas and the south of Kerman.
Appearance characteristics of Rainee goats:
They are usually horned. The horn of the male Rainee goat is thick and a little complex. But the female has a delicate and slim horn. This goat's horns are usually curved.
Their neck is usually short and covered by wool and hair. The wool of this part is lost sooner than the other parts' wool.
30% of its body is wool, and 70% is hair.
Infundibula, soft, and spongy breasts
medium ears
The length of the wool's fiber is 23 to 30 cm.
5. Khalkhali goats
Khalkhali goat distribution:
Moghan plain and Khalkhal city and parts of East Azerbaijan province.
Appearance characteristics of Khalkhali goats:
Body color: Black and sometimes light
The body coverage is of thick and long hairs
Wide small ears
Production features of Khalkhali goats:
The average amount of produced milk during a period of milking: 130 Liter
Approximate weight at maturing: 40 kg
6-Sistan and Baluchistan native goat
Distribution: All parts of Sistan and Baluchistan province
Appearance characteristics of Sistan and Baluchistan native goat:
Body color: Its body color is usually black, brown, and white
Giant body due to which this goat has a high milking ability in the desired conditions.
The male goats are horned and the female goats are without horns.
These goats are very hairy and under their throat, there is some hair as a beard. On their forehead is a forelock.
Arms and legs are covered by hair
The Head profile is straight and so is the spine
Production features of Sistan and Baluchistan native goat:
Daily produced milk amount: 1.5 Litr
Approximate weight at maturing: 30 kg
Percentage of twins: 30%
The average amount of wool production: 0.75 kg
Types of top races sheep race in Iran
1. Afshari race sheep
Nurturing this type of sheep is very beneficial; because of its perfect meat and wool. The birthplace of this race is Zanjan province, but it is currently nurturing in 15 other provinces in Iran. This race is of bestselling sheep that have the best meat, and high growth velocity. They are resistant to the cold and are capable of twining. The quality and quantity of their wool are good.
2. Mehraban race sheep
Mehraban race sheep is of twining and heavy Persian race.
The birthplace of this sheep is Hamedan, but it is nurturing in Zanjan and Kurdistan provinces as well. Its appearance is a no wool face, head, and under its belly. The male Mehraban sheep are horned, and the female is without a horn. Its color is dark or light brown.
3. Maku race sheep
Maku sheep is white and there are black stains around its eyes. The body's wool of this race is white and very high-quality, and it is so useful in the industry with its long strands. Its wool is of a high tonality and is very popular. The weight of its wool varies from 3 to 5 Kilograms depending on the sheep breed. It is also a good race for meat production.
4. Kerman breed sheep
Kerman breed sheep is a hammy and hairy race and their wool is used in carpet weaving and clothing. Its wool has a high tonality, and its source is In Kerman and its surrounding city.
5. Sangsar sheep race
It is one of the best meaty sheep. The meat product is almost 60% of the sheep's weight before it is slaughtered. It is the best sheep for fattening. This kind of sheep ecosystem is in Semnan province. Sangsar sheep's tail is smaller than the other breeds. There is no horn in this breed's rams and ewes. Sangsar sheep are capable of walking and crossing due to their small body. They are so resistant due to their desert ecosystem.
6. Sanjabi sheep race
They are both meaty and fluffy. The wool and the skin color of these sheep are beige. Some of them have brown stains on their neck, legs, and arms. They have a huge and meaty body and they benefit the ranchers highly. The wool of this breed is long and high-grade.
7. Mughan sheep race
This breed is Persian in eastern Azerbaijan and it is considered both milky and meaty. Mughan sheep have muscular and massive bodies that live in the Caspian sea's west summer areas or Mughan plain. Mughan sheep are capable of bearing heavy lambs. Mughan lambs have a 4 kilo of weight at birth and a 23 kilo during the milking
8. Zol sheep race
It is a meaty breed and is rich in proteins and vitamins. This breed is fatless and has tall arms and legs. They are capable of walking in the mountains. This breed is usually nurtured in forests and mountains area. This race is among the tame and wild sheep that have a light and small body. Its skin is not so proper and is not thick enough. This breed mates in fall and spring.
9. Talish sheep race
As it is obvious from its name, this breed is nurtured from Gilan to Heyran heights. This breed is similar to the Zel race except that they have small fat. Its color is beige or white with dark and light brown stains on some parts of the body.
10-Fashand sheep race
Fashand sheep race is a Persian breed, and its origin is in Savojbolaq. This breed is meaty and milky, and its color is light brown to dark brown and cream. It is similar to Zand sheep and has a huge body and thick wool. Its body size is medium to big and includes cream, light brown, and red colors.