General performance
A free stall is an individual place that cows enter to rest freely and exit simply. Also, they can sit and stand in it immediately.
Profit increase
Mastitis reduction
Decrease in laminitis
Laborer number reduction
Microbial load reduction
Feeding efficiency
Decrease in cost of changing the foundation
Free stall width: 120-140 cm
The neck bar height to the foundation: 115 cm
The foundation height from the ground (without cover): 22 cm
Chest board installed under the neck bar obliquely: 10cm
The distance of neck bar to the beginning of manure hole or aisle: 175cm
The outer loop distance to the beginning of manure hole or aisle: 16 to 24 cm
The foundation of moisture adsorbing and dry materials with a slope of 3 to 4 %
Free stall
- Super User
- Facilities and Ranching machinery
- Hits: 150